On his third attempt, German alpinist David Goettler made a successful climb up Everest, solo and without supplemental oxygen. First published: https://www.firstpost.com/living/atop-mount-everest-a-german-alpinist-scripts-his-story-without-supplemental-oxygen-or-high-altitude-guide-10838091.html Atop Mount Everest, a German alpinist scripts his…
Even as a record number of permits were issued for Everest in May 2019, things are getting more dangerous on the highest mountain in the world First published: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/the-fatal-turn-to-everest-summit/story-Aq6k9Y71yMYY7SJ6sTy8VK.html How…
There are a few climbers who still follow rules set by the golden age of mountaineering First published:https://www.firstpost.com/living/pushing-the-boundaries-david-gottler-on-attempting-to-scale-mt-everest-without-supplementary-oxygen-6946311.html Pushing the boundaries: David Göttler on attempting to scale Mt Everest without…
One of the most radical climbers of the current generation, Ueli Steck had earned the title of ‘the Swiss machine’ for his bold attempts. An accident on Nuptse in April…